I love cookies. I love cookies the way this guy does--shoveling them in as fast as I can crunch 'em up with crumbs flying everywhere. Somewhere along the way, though, I lost that inborn knowledge that every kid has: there is no such thing as a bad cookie.
As an adult with more sophisticated tastes and cook with stronger skills, I became a cookie snob. The only really "good" cookies were homemade from scratch. Sure, we indulge in the efforts of those famous elves and can lick 'n dump with the Trump like everyone else. But those don't count. It's like eating burgers for supper on the fly--it's food, technically but who views it as "good food".
Reform came to my house in the guise of a fundraiser. As a teacher, Mr. Bittersweet is often persuaded by students to help their cause. Mr B is the biggest cookie hound I know and I strongly suspect that fundraiser had his name as chief target on it. After spending that much on cookie dough, I wasn't about to let it rot in the fridge. I made some up for the grands. They loved them. (So did the quality control inspector who visited the kitchen.) I made up some more tonight while dinner cooked as a treat for a job well-done in the garden. So fast. So easy. Only what we needed for a small treat without all those others calling out to be eaten, too, so no guilt. I'm sold! I'm reformed! Those coupons for cookie mixes and dough will no longer be relegated to trade. Cookie Monster has the right idea--just enjoy!!!!