Saturday, March 7, 2009

It's been kind of a funky last two weeks here on Bittersweet Lane. Both Mr. B and I have had emotionally draining turmoil in our workplaces but both places seem to be settling down (or we're aclimating to it). Kiddo 3 has been stressing over several papers for her college classes especially the one where she has to interview the owner of a hotel/motel that houses sex offenders (in a seedy part of town, of course). She was accompanied by a classmate. Kiddo 4 is struggling to write papers for his Senior Portfolio, necessary for graduation. He has a very dry, sardonic sense of humor (can't imagine where he gets it from) and is guarded about his emotions. Unfortunately, the teacher doesn't get the humor and has some kind of Lifetime-movie notion of reaching each child's emotional core, exposing it and saving/reforming/tranforming them. That is so not going to happen with this Aspy.

I was checking out favorite blogs this morning, and was amazed at Hip to Save's shopping trip to Walgreen's this week here. Isn;t she amazing!!

On the happy things front, my sewing machine is is happily purring away. After a monthlong hiatus, I finally got the sewing mojo back.

I'm working on Simplicity 4366, view B, the lower righthand photo, in a dark navy blue microfiber. It feels so good to sew again. That creative process is so restorative to my emotional well-being and keeps the closet stocked, too.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the wonderful suggestion about the Seapak cookbook and getting more coupons! I wanted to tell you that I noticed you ordered a few magazines lately and paid inexpensive prices. I promise you can get all those magazines for absolutely free. When I became a stay at home mom I cancelled all my subscriptions.....and then was surprised to learn companies are giving them away. Check out all my Mailbox Monday posts and you'll see how many free (I pay nothing) I get each month. It's unreal.....and of course full of coupons and I can resell them at Half Price Books after reading!!!! Gotta love that.


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