Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wigelia Joy

I love wigelia bushes! They're so happy with their dancing little trumpets. We have several and they've begun to bloom in earnest. I just had to share.

This one is a purple wigelia: the foliage is a deep burgundy purple fading to green in the center as you can see below. The blooms are a dark pink. This bush grows under window of the home office; from the inside, those blooms are dancing on the window ledge.

This is a row of a different variety of wigelia. Their foliage is a brighter green and the blooms are a paler pink.

The fencing is a salvage propped against the side of the house behind the bushes. They look so cottagey cute and the wall is so suburban blank without them. It's not visible in today's pictures but we've hung a copper sun on the wall above the fencing. The scene makes me so happy when I pull into the driveway.

Hope your spring is lovely, too.
